ChessUp 1 Firmware Release Notes

Version 1.9.3 (6/28/2024)

  • Improved speed of built-in AI.
  • Improved connectivity to the phone.
  • Added support for the new opening book feature in the app. The green pawn icon on the board indicates that the player is still in book.
  • Fixed a bug where doing/undoing a castle while playing the AI caused the AI to play illegal moves.
  • Fixed a bug where when playing in No Lights Mode the red in-check lights weren't being cleared.
  • Fixed FEN string load issues when a FEN string was loaded after a completed game or when the FEN included En Passant.
  • Fixed an issue where if a game was playing on the board and connected to the app, but not played through the app, the game wouldn't save to the internal memory. Now games played on the board will be saved to the internal memory even if connected to the app. 
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the board would receive a repeat move from the app and cause the board to freeze.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing a built-in AI move the AI wouldn't make another move, so the game would stall.

Version 1.9.1 (1/18/2024)

  • Supports new "No Lights Mode" where when a piece is touched the legal moves are not illuminated (Requires iOS  2.1.14 or Android 2.1.15 or greater).
  • Supports new "Post Move Hint" feature where the quality of the move (indicated by the color of the LED) is not shown until after the move has been made (Requires iOS  2.1.14 or Android 2.1.15 or greater).
  •  Fixes a bug where after deleting a board game in the app the game would reappear (Requires iOS  2.1.14 or Android 2.1.15 or greater).

Version 1.9.0 (11/22/2023)

  • Support for undo against the Phone AI
  • Bug fix with three-fold repetition
  • Added support for future features with the app.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.8.1 (08/04/2023)

  • Added undo support for Android (app version: 2.0.10 or later required)
  • Added support for Android (app version: 2.0.10 or later required) to pull historical games that were played in stand alone mode from the board. 
  • Fixed a bug where capturing a piece by pushing the captured piece to an adjacent square could cause the board to prevent the game from continuing.
  • Fixed a bug where if an undo occurred in a stand alone game it would corrupt the saved game which would cause issues when pulling those games into the app. 

Version 1.8.0 (06/19/2023)

  • Added AI opponent for checkers (6 different levels with increasing difficulty).
  • Fixed an issue when loading a FEN string that would cause the board to flash repeatedly.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.7.0

  • Fixed an issue with threefold repetition.
  • Updated piece misplacement indicator.
  • Disabled game play after misplaced piece until the piece is corrected.
  • Added player vs player checkers.
  • Added the ability to enter checkers mode by placing checkers in the starting position (dark squares).

Version 1.6.3

  • Fixed a bug where the user couldn't start a new game without restarting the board.
  • Fixed a bug where if playing the AI and the AI was white at the conclusion of the game the board built-in AI would make a move.

Version 1.6.2

  • Improvement for reporting battery level to the app.
  • Fix a bug where the board could freeze when touching an AI piece while the phone AI was thinking.
  • Unlock settings buttons when disconnecting from the phone.
  • Improvements to updating Calibration over time.

Version 1.6.1

  • Fix bug where the board could freeze when playing a game connected to the app.
  • Improvement for Lessons.
  • Fixed bug where lights would stutter on startup.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.6.0

  • Game position is saved when low battery is detected and the board goes to sleep (blinking battery indicator). The game can be recalled upon startup/restart if all the pieces are in the same position.
  • Game game position saved with a triple tap on a piece in the a1 square. The game can be recalled upon startup/restart if all the pieces are in the same position. Whites settings button will blink to indicate success.
  • User (board owner) can be selected with a triple tap on a piece on h2 for white and a7 for black before game has ended. This user is saved with the game when game is completed. Whites or blacks settings button will blink to indicate success.
  • Stalemate detection.
  • 3-fold repetition draw.
  • Insufficient material draw.
  • 50 move rule.
  • King in check is now turned red.
  • Draw can be indicated by removing all pieces in the 4 middle squares and placing the kings in the in the black and white squares (d5 & d4 or e5 & e4).
  • Resignation can be indicated by removing all pieces in the 4 middle squares and placing the kings in either the white center squares (d5 & e4) (white wins) or the black center squares (d4 &e5) (black wins)
  • Fixed bug where pieces would disappear and a player would get two turns in a row.
  • Other minor bug fixes.